Διαγνωστικά κριτήρια Σηψαιμίας

Infection,a documented or suspected, and some of the following:b

General variables

· Fever (core temperature >38.3°C)

· Hypothermia (core temperature <36°c)>90 /min or >2 SD above the normal value for age

· Tachypnea

· Altered mental status

· Significant edema or positive fluid balance (>20 mL/kg over 24 hrs)

· Hyperglycemia (plasma glucose >120 mg/dL or 7.7 mmol/L) in the absence of diabetes

Inflammatory variables

· Leukocytosis (WBC count >12,000 /mm3)

· Leukopenia (WBC count <4000>10% immature forms

· Plasma C-reactive protein >2 SD above the normal value

· Plasma procalcitonin >2 SD above the normal value

Hemodynamic variables

· Arterial hypotensionb (SBP <90>40 mm Hg in adults or <2>70%b

· Cardiac index (CI) >3.5 L.min-1.M-23

Organ dysfunction variables

· Arterial hypoxemia (PaO2/FIO2 <300)>0.5 mg/dL

· Coagulation abnormalities (INR >1.5 or aPTT >60 secs)

· Ileus (absent bowel sounds)

· Thrombocytopenia (platelet count <100,000>4 mg/dL or 70 mmol/L)

Tissue perfusion variables

· Hyperlactatemia (>1 mmol/L)

· Decreased capillary refill or mottling

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